Our 6th graders have defined a hero. They wrote about who they see as their hero in their life. Yesterday, they invited their hero for an afternoon together and read them their essays.
Who's your HERO?
IC Church, School, and Faith Formation are participating in the Spookwalk. If you can help with a donation of individually wrapped candy please drop it off at the school office.
Thank you!
Save the Date for our Christmas concerts!
3rd, 4th, and 6th grade IC Scholarship Team members getting books ready to deliver for One Book One School 2024. Each IC student prek - 6th will receive a book courtesy of IC PTO and Ginger’s Top Shelf.
Thank you to Mrs. Osier for sharing her time and talents planning Scholar Week!
We are SO EXCITED to announce our students raised $2,000.75 for hurricane relief!
Our third graders received a dictionary from the Elks Club! Thank you for your generous donation to our scholars!
Mrs. Platts's class was busy learning about bones today in science class. "BOO"
In Social Studies 5th graders built canoes from sticks and other outdoor finds and tested them to see if they floated! #ICscholars
We have 31,000 minutes to go for an all school recess!! Keep reading!!!
201,000 minutes to make Mrs. Field a flamingo!!!
Preschool and Kindergarten families, ask your children about Chloe the Kindness Cat with Mrs. Hadley!
Our staff learned about services and strategies for our students that are English Languages Learners. Annalisa Minor from the AEA presented at today's Professional Development.
Please help us with the hurricane relief efforts. #ICservice
KEEP READING!!! #ICscholars
A great turn out for McTeacher's Night! Thank you IC and Soifer's McDonald's!
IC Your Spirit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepe538DsFkYbiYakKriHdp2I9ZTbmD6mV-jVOMH9Qye-byUA/viewform
Thank You IC PTO!
Hello IC Families,
Tomorrow is IC Grandparent's Day. We are excited to welcome over 160 grandparents to our school! We have some activities, trivia, BINGO, and presentation ready to enjoy with your child's grandparent or special visitors.
With many grandparents attending, we want to encourage you to communicate to your loved ones where there will parking available and parking spots to avoid.
The school parking lot on the corner of N Grand and 1st Ave will be available for grandparents to park. Parking can also be on 1st and 2nd Ave, Riverside Dr, and the church parking lot. The circle drive and along St. Mary's Street where the preschool playground is located will not be available to park to leave room for end of the day pick up.
If your child's grandparent is taking your child home please send a note with your child or call the school office. Our policy is students go home the communicated route parents have established with their child's teacher unless it is communicated with the office or a note to the teacher.
Thank you for sharing your children with us every day. We look forward to meeting your families tomorrow.
Mrs. L. Field
Mrs. Hadley has worked with our students in guidance class. One strategy they learned was a breathing activity.
Happy National Custodian's Day!